Friday, July 23, 2010


Ad-Dajjāl (Arabالدّجّال) adalah seorang tokoh kafir yang jahat dalam Eskatologi Islam, ia akan muncul menjelang Kiamat. Dajjal pembawa fitnah di akhir zaman, menurut hadits Muhammad bersabda: “"Sejak Allah swt menciptakan Nabi Adam a.s. sampai ke hari kiamat nanti, tidak ada satu ujian pun yang lebih dahsyat daripada Dajjal"[1].


Dajjal adalah kata Arab yang lazim digunakan untuk istilah "nabi palsu". Namun istilah Ad-Dajjal, merujuk pada sosok "Penyamar" atau "Pembohong" yang muncul menjelang kiamat. Istilahnya adalah Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (Bahasa Arab untuk "Al Masih Palsu") adalah terjemahan dari istilah Syria Meshiha Deghala yang telah menjadi kosa kata umum dari Timur Tengah selama lebih dari 400 tahun sebelum Al-Quran diturunkan.

Istilah Meshiha Deghala berasal dari kata antichristos yang merupakan bahasa Yunani. Secara internasional, sosok ini dikenal dengan Dajjal, tanpa menambahkan tata bahasa Arab. Namun istilah Dajjal telah merujuk kepada apa yang dimaksud Ad-Dajjal dalam istilah bahasa Arab.


Dajjal tidak disebut dalam Al-Quran, tetapi terdapat dalam hadis dan Sunah yang menguraikan sifat-sifat Dajjal. Berdasarkan kepercayaan yang telah umum dalam kalangan muslim, karakteristik ad-Dajjal adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Dajjal memiliki cacat fisik berupa mata kiri yang buta, dan mata kanan yang dapat melihat tetapi berwarna gelap (hitam). Dalam beberapa hadis menjelaskan ia hanya memiliki sebuah mata. Ia akan menunggangi keledai putih yang satu langkahnya sama dengan satu mil jaraknya. Keledai tersebut memakan api dan menghembus asap, dapat terbang di atas daratan dan menyeberangi lautan.
  • Dajjal seorang pemuda posturnya gemuk, kulitnya kemerah-merahan, berambut keriting, matanya sebelah kanan buta, dan matanya itu seperti buah anggur yang masak’ (tak bersinar), serupa dengan Abdul Uzza bin Qathan (lelaki Quraisy dari Khuza’ah yang hidup di zaman Jahiliyah).[2]
  • Dia akan menipu para umat muslim dengan mengajari mereka tentang surga, tapi ajaran tersebut adalah sebaliknya (Neraka).
  • Huruf Arab Kaf Faa Raa (kafir, bermakna kufur) akan muncul pada dahinya dan akan mudah dilihat oleh muslim yang bisa membaca maupun yang buta huruf.
  • Dia dapat melihat dan mendengar di banyak tempat pada waktu bersamaan.
  • Dia mempunyai keahlian untuk menipu manusia.
  • Dia akan coba meletakkan manusia pada tingkatan Tuhan.
  • Dia akan menyatakan dirinya adalah Tuhan dan akan menipu manusia dalam berpikir. Ia mengatakan bahwa ia telah bangun dari kematian. Salah satu orang penting akan ia bunuh dan kemudian ia akan menghidupkannya. Sesudah itu Allah akan menghidupkan apa yang ia bunuh tersebut, setelah itu ia tidak memiliki kekuatan ini lagi. Berdasarkan sumber lain tentang akhirat yang ditulis Anwar al-Awlaki), seorang lelaki beriman akan datang dari Madinah terus ke Dajjal, berdiri pada atas Uhud, dan dengan beraninya mengatakan bahwa Dajjal adalah Dajjal. Kemudian ia akan bertanya, "Apakah kamu percaya bahwa aku adalah Tuhan jika aku membunuhmu dan kemudian menghidupkan kamu?" Lalu Dajjal membunuh lelaki beriman tersebut, setelah itu menghidupkannya kembali, namun lelaki itu akan berkata bahwa dia semakin tidak percaya bahwa Dajjal adalah Tuhan.
  • Siapa saja yang menolak dan tidak percaya dengannya, mereka akan menderita kemarau dan kelaparan. Siapa saja yang menerimanya akan hidup dalam kehidupan senang.
  • Sebagian besar ajaran Islam mempercayai bahwa ia muncul di Kota Isfahan
  • Dia tidak bisa memasuki Makkah atau Madinah karena dijaga para malaikat.
  • Imam Mahdi akan melawannya atas nama Islam.
  • Dia akan dibunuh oleh Nabi Isa dekat pintu gerbang Lud yang merupakan wilayah Israel saat ini.

Dajjal membawa air dan api

Bedasarkan sebuah hadis yang menceritakan tentang Dajjal. Hadis tersebut menceritakan suatu hari pada musim kemarau, Dajjal akan bertanya, "Apakah kamu menginginkan api atau air?" Jika menjawab air, itu bermakna api yang diberikannya, Jika jawabannya api, ia akan memberi air. Kamu akan diberikan air jika kamu mengakui Dajjal adalah Tuhan dan bila kamu murtad dari agama Allah. Apabila kamu lebih memilih api tetapi tetap berada di jalan Allah, maka kamu akan dibunuhnya.

Dajjal membawa api dan air; Muhammad bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Dajjal itu akan keluar dengan membawa air dan api, maka apa yang dilihat manusia sebagai air, sebenarnya itu adalah api yang membakar. Sedang apa yang dilihat oleh manusia sebagai api, maka itu sebenarnya adalah air yang dingin dan tawar. Maka barangsiapa yang menjumpainya, hendaklah menjatuhkan dirinya ke dalam apa yang dilihatnya sebagai api, kerana ia sesungguhnya adalah air tawar yang nyaman." [3]

Dajjal membawa sesuatu yang menyerupai syurga dan neraka; Dari Abu Hurairah berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Sukakah aku ceritakan kepadamu tentang Dajjal, yang belum diberitakan oleh Nabi kepada kaumnya. Sungguh Dajjal itu buta mata sebelahnya dan ia akan datang membawa sesuatu yang menyerupai syurga dan neraka, adapun yang dikatakan syurga, maka itu adalah neraka. Dan aku memperingatkan kalian sebagaimana Nabi Nuh a.s memperingatkan kepada kaumnya."

Dajjal membawa sungai air dan sungai api; Dari Abu Hudzaifah berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Sesungguhnya aku lebih tahu dari Dajjal itu sendiri tentang apa padanya. Dia mempunyai dua 2 sungai mengalir. Yang satu menurut pandangan mata adalah air yang putih bersih. Yang satu lagi menurut mata adalah api yang bergelojak. Sebab itu, kalau seorang mendapatinya hendaklah mendekati sungai yang kelihatan api. Hendaklah dipejamkan matanya, kemudian ditekurkan kepalanya, lalu diminumnya air sungai itu kerana itu adalah air sungai yang sejuk. Sesungguhnya Dajjal itu buta matanya sebelah ditutupi oleh daging yang tebal, tertulis antara dua 2 matanya (di keningnya) perkataan kafir yang dapat dibaca oleh setiap orang beriman pandai baca atau tidak.[4]

Perlindungan dari Dajjal

Nabi Muhammad mengingatkan para pengikutnya untuk membaca dan menghapal sepuluh ayat pertama dari Surat Al-Kahfi sebagai perlindungan dari Dajjal, dan kalau bisa berlindung di kota Madinah dan Mekkah, karena Dajjal tidak akan pernah bisa masuk kota tersebut yang dijaga oleh para malaikat. Muhammad juga mengingatkan para pengikutnya untuk berdoa, "Ya Allah! Aku berlindung dengan-Mu dari bencana Dajjal." Dia juga menyatakan tidak ada musibah yang lebih hebat daripada bencana yang ditimbulkan Dajjal sejak penciptaan Nabi Adam hingga Hari Kebangkitan.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sasori so powerful!

(サソリ, Sasori)

  • Sasori of the Red Sand (赤砂のサソリ, Akasuna no Sasori)
Debut (Manga)
Debut (Anime)
Debut (video game) Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! EX 2
Appears in Anime, Manga and Game
Voice actor(s) (English)
Seiyū (Japanese)


Birthdate November 8
Gender Male
Age 35 (Deceased)
Height 164.1cm
Weight 47.3kg
Blood type AB
Classification S-Class, Missing-nin


Ninja Registration 33-001
Academy Grad. Age 7
Chūnin Prom. Age 8
Ring 玉 (Sphere)
Ring Position Left thumb
[hide] Family

[hide] Jutsu

[hide] Weapons

Sasori (サソリ), also known as Sasori of the Red Sand (赤砂のサソリ, Akasuna no Sasori), was the grandson of Elder Chiyo and a member of Akatsuki prior to his death, and was partnered with Deidara, and Orochimaru before that.



When Sasori was young, his parents were killed by Sakumo Hatake,[2] leaving him with no one but his grandmother, Chiyo, to take care of him. To cheer up Sasori, Chiyo began to teach him the art of making puppets, and Sasori soon proved to be a born natural at the art. He began making puppets at the age of five, and even made puppets that resembled his parents to get rid of the terrible loneliness he felt.[3] But because they were only puppets, incapable of giving him the natural parental love he desired, he lost interest in them. They later fell into Chiyo's possession.

Sasori as a child

Sasori, later infamously known as "Sasori of the Red Sand", created many ingenious puppets, including the ones that were owned by Kankurō. Twenty years before his introduction in the series, he left Sunagakure, though not before secretly kidnapping and killing the Third Kazekage (although his involvement in the Third's disappearance would not be discovered until around the time of his death).[4] More than that, Sasori eventually converted himself into a human puppet to maintain his youthful appearance and increase his own offensive capabilities, but retained his heart - the only still-living part of his body - in a cylindrical container in the left part of his chest.

Sometime after leaving the village, Sasori joined Akatsuki, and was eventually paired with Orochimaru.[5] They had great respect for each other during their partnership, and did many things together. After Orochimaru left Akatsuki (for trying to steal fellow member Itachi Uchiha's body, and failing), Sasori was teamed up with Deidara, although he always carried a grudge against his former partner. He sent Kabuto Yakushi to spy on Orochimaru, but Orochimaru dispelled Sasori's jutsu and convinced Kabuto to join him. Sasori was also shown having numerous other underlings and spies in many nations, such as Yūra and Mukade.

edit Appearance

Without his puppet armor he has maintained the appearance of a teenage boy with wide brown eyes, and short red hair. As a child, he wore green robes with a pale jacket around them. As he was an adult, he was mostly seen in the Akatsuki robe. When Sasori reveals his true body, which is a puppet with a pair of spinning claws attached to the backsides, a holder for four scrolls on the back, a stinger in the empty and open stomach cavity, a compartment in the right chest and a core in the left, his eyes are wide open in a maniacal-like way, as opposed to his normal calm looking eyes. On his left thumb is his Akatsuki ring, which bears the kanji for Jewel or Sphere (玉, gyoku). Sasori also wears teal nail polish.

edit Personality

As a child, Sasori always seemed sad, due to the lack of parental love. When introduced to the art of puppetry by his grandmother, Chiyo, he grew a little happier. He eventually created puppets with the likeness of his parents, but when the puppets couldn't give him the parental love he desired, he became cold and uncaring. This led to him having little regard for human life, and he went so far to state that he would feel nothing if Chiyo died, as he claimed that his heart had become like his puppet body: without any emotions. Despite his cruelty, Sasori also had been shown to possess a very down-to-earth outlook on life, rarely growing worked up over obstacles that came his way. He also rarely showed any extreme emotions, and even these instances were short-lived.

Sasori was also known for his impatience, as he repeatedly noted that he did not wish to wait or keep others waiting,[6] which was quite ironic since he had all the time in the world due to his puppet body.

Sasori and his second partner in Akatsuki, Deidara, both had conflicting views of art, and they frequently argued about their different views.[7] Deidara maintained the opinion that art was something transient that departs quickly, where as Sasori believed that fine art is something wonderful that is left long into the future. This reflected their individual natures; Deidara made clay sculptures which exploded, while Sasori created long-lasting puppets out of humans. Nevertheless, Deidara outwardly seemed to respect Sasori's beliefs, although Sasori never respected Deidara's.

edit Abilities

The symbol Sasori placed on the puppets he created.

[edit] Puppet Master

Sasori was a master of puppetry and created a number of ingenious puppets; while in Sunagakure he created the three puppets that Kankurō used, and had 298 other puppets in his personal collection.[8] His status as a master puppeteer offered him a tremendous advantage against other puppeteer shinobi, especially if the puppets they were using happened to be formerly his own, as seen in his battle against Kankurō. Skill-wise, Sasori could manipulate puppets at an incredible speed, to the point where his finger movements became blurred to Sakura Haruno. As puppets are usually installed with long-range weapons, Sasori was an expert at fighting at long distances. His usage of Puppets were at such a high level that he made mere techniques appear as an artistic performance. Deidara himself even admitted, at least superficially, that Sasori was stronger of the two.

Sasori's abilities also gave him the power to defeat and kill the Third Kazekage, who was said to be the strongest ninja in the history of Sunagakure, though Sasori states that he had some trouble obtaining him.

[edit] Intelligence

Repeatedly, Sasori has demonstrated to be a highly cunning ninja, able to handle situations with various traps and misdirections. He is also shown to be a highly analytical man, able to quickly determine his opponent's strengths and combat methods. Like his grandmother, Sasori has a great knowledge of the human body, as shown from his brainwashing jutsu and his mastery over creating different types of poisons. His unique poisons, that he laced nearly every weapon in his arsenal with, took effect instantly, and one such poison could kill the target after three days of suffering. Sasori initially believed this poison to be incurable, but later, to his surprise, Sakura came up with a successful antidote for the poison.

[edit] Human Puppetry

Main article: Human Puppet Sasori's puppets were unique in that they were made from the still-living bodies of humans. These human puppets were more versatile than regular puppets, since, in addition to having many dangerous devices installed within them (as is common with regular puppets), they were also able to use chakra and perform jutsu. Any jutsu or Kekkei Genkai abilities possessed by the converted human were also passed onto the puppet.

[edit] Hiruko

Sasori's puppet armor, Hiruko.

Main article: Hiruko Hiruko was the first puppet to be shown being used by Sasori in the series. Sasori actually wore this puppet as an armor, and controlled it from the inside, thus eliminating the puppeteer's weakness of being a separate and exposed target.[9] While within Hiruko, Sasori had a deeper and more hoarse voice. Hiruko was his favorite puppet, such that he adorned it during nearly his entire tenure with Akatsuki, and had it wear the Akatsuki cloak and hat. Sasori used Hiruko so much that many people seemed to have rarely seen Sasori himself in person, as evidenced by Zetsu and Kabuto's responses to seeing that Hiruko was not his actual body. On the other hand, Orochimaru did realize he was not Sasori, implying he had seen Sasori's true face during his time with Akatsuki. During an anime omake, it was shown that Deidara has also seen Sasori's true face while Sasori was doing maintenance of Hiruko.

Hiruko had a long mechanical, scorpion-like tail (an allusion to Sasori's name meaning "scorpion"), extending from the mouth of what appeared to be a demon mask on its back. Chiyo said this mask was a recent addition by Sasori to add extra defense to a weak point in the puppet. The tail worked as Hiruko's main offensive weapon, and was laced with his poison. The tail was also used as an extra defense by spinning it around his body at a rapid speed. Hiruko's left arm was rigged with a projectile launcher capable of firing poisoned shrapnel and needles,[10] and its mouth could also be used to serve a similar function of firing poisoned needles.

Hiruko is only said to have been a human puppet in the anime. In the manga it was just a regular puppet.

[edit] Third Kazekage

Main article: Third Kazekage

Sasori's favorite human puppet, the Third Kazekage

Sasori's favorite human puppet was the Third Kazekage, which retained its unique Kekkei Genkai Iron Sand techniques. When mixed with Sasori's poison, the Iron Sand was given a more lethal edge. The Iron Sand could also be used to fill up the joints of other puppets, thus immobilizing them. The Third's puppet's right arm held several poisoned blades, while the left arm could open up to reveal several summoning seals that summoned thousands of similar arms to attack the target. These arms were capable of crushing an opponent, emitting poisonous gas clouds, and releasing wires that dragged the opponent into the gas cloud. If these arms were cut off, a small buzz-saw took their place.

[edit] Puppet Body

Sasori's Puppet Body.

Although Sasori was thirty-five years old, he maintained the appearance of a teenage boy. Sasori's unnaturally young appearance was a product of his design. Aside from his heart, Sasori's body was actually a puppet.[11] In place of his stomach was a thick cable coiled around a pole, allowing Sasori to use it as a stinger and retract it if necessary. Attached to his back was a scroll holder, containing four scrolls that seemed to serve as "ammunition", which Sasori used to store his human puppets. Sasori also added a pair of poles to the back of his hips, each equipped with five large blades that could spin like a propeller, and pipes to each of his hands that could spew out intense fire or powerful water jets. Despite being loaded with weapons, Sasori kept them (and his true form) hidden with his Akatsuki robes, which were large enough to conceal them without problem. Curiously, when using "himself", Sasori's eyes were always wide open, giving him a somewhat maniacal look. In contrast, prior to revealing his puppet body, they were always half-closed, making him appear calmer. Sasori has claimed that he has not used "himself" since joining Akatsuki, until his last battle with his grandmother and Sakura Haruno.

Installed in the right part of his chest was a mechanism that could spin numerous chakra strings, allowing Sasori to use his Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets. With it, he was given a drastic advantage over other puppeteers, such that he claimed to have taken down an entire country with it. Sasori's left part of his chest held the only part of him still human and thus the only, and necessary, part of his body capable of controlling chakra: a cylinder-shaped device containing his heart.

Since his own body was also turned into one of his human puppets that he controls, technically, this is Sasori

Because Sasori's heart was the only living part of himself, his puppet body was virtually indestructible, allowing him to survive the poison mist Kankurō bombarded him with, as well as the impact from Sakura's punches. He was also immune to hindrances that would normally affect a human's body, such as fatigue, muscle failure, and pain, allowing him to move at full strength for extended periods of time. When smashed apart, he could simply draw the pieces back together. Additionally, he could transfer his heart to other puppets in a split second, allowing him to abandon a body should it be damaged beyond repair or otherwise incapacitated. It is suggested in the manga that Sasori created more than one puppet body in his image.

Sasori as Kankurō's puppet.

After his death, Kankurō retrieved Sasori's lifeless body and made several modifications to it.[12] He removed the pair of blades on the back, the cable stinger in the stomach, and the core that contained Sasori's heart. The flamethrower jets on the palm, however, seem to be still intact. Kankurō also added a cloak over the puppet. He has been shown to use the Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangles with Sasori; whether this is a new addition installed or if it already existed but was not shown earlier is not yet known. It's also possible that Kankuro retrieved Sasori's second body as that one already had a cloak and was without the blades on the back.

[edit] Stats

Databook Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Intelligence Strength Speed Stamina Hand seals Total
Third 5 4 4 5 3 4.5 5 4 34.5

edit Part II

[edit] Kazekage Rescue Arc

At the start of Part II, Sasori, hidden in his puppet, Hiruko, returned to his former village, Sunagakure, with Deidara to capture the One-Tailed Shukaku's Jinchūriki, and the Fifth Kazekage, Gaara. Both the Akatsuki members easily penetrated Suna's defenses, as the village was betrayed by one of Sasori's own subordinates, Yūra. After Deidara captured Gaara, the latter's elder brother, Kankurō, attempted to stop the Akatsuki duo from fleeing. But Sasori confronted him so that Deidara could go on ahead unopposed, and made quick work of Kankurō, nearly killing him, and easily destroying his puppets, as he had pre-existing knowledge of their secrets. After the Akatsuki members extracted and sealed the One-Tailed Shukaku from Gaara at the Akatsuki hideout, Sasori and Deidara were left in charge by their leader of defeating the pursuing Team 7 and Sasori's grandmother, Chiyo. As Deidara led Naruto Uzumaki and Kakashi Hatake away, using Gaara's dead body as bait, Sasori was left to face Sakura Haruno and Chiyo.

Soon after the battle began, with Chiyo controlling her as a puppet, Sakura was able to destroy Sasori's puppet, Hiruko. As Sasori emerged from Hiruko's remains and revealed his true self, Chiyo and Sakura were shocked to see his youthful face, considering he had left Sunagakure over twenty years ago. Not wasting any time, however, Sasori brought out his Third Kazekage puppet, who he revealed to be his favorite, as the Third was the hardest to kill and add in his collection. Since the Third Kazekage was a human puppet, Sasori was able use its various Kekkei Genkai Iron Sand abilities to attack and overwhelm Chiyo and Sakura. To try and combat the Kazekage, Chiyo brought out Sasori's parents' puppets. Although Chiyo had since equipped them with extra weapons and defenses, the Kazekage's puppet's Iron Sand quickly disabled the two puppets. Acting on her own, Sakura demolished the Kazekage puppet after picking up on its movements and using herself as bait to lower Sasori's guard.

With the loss of the Kazekage puppet, Sasori revealed the reason behind his eternal youth: his own human puppet body, which itself was fitted with numerous weapons and traps laced with poison. When Chiyo brought out her own ten puppets in an attempt to level the playing field, Sasori used his Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets, allowing him to control ten times as many puppets as Chiyo. Since Chiyo's puppets were designed to work together, a trait lacking with all of Sasori's puppets, her puppets fared far better than his, although they were eventually overwhelmed by sheer numbers. During the battle, Chiyo attempted to seal Sasori's chakra with a special orb from one of her puppets, but missed his heart - the only living part of his body and the source of his chakra - and only trapped his puppet body. As Chiyo and Sakura were distracted by his summoned puppets, Sasori was revealed to have transferred the cylindrical container housing his heart into another one of his own puppets, possessing his own face's likeness, before the seal nailed his original body to a wall.

Sasori dying in the embrace of his parents

Using the seal as a distraction, Sasori, in his new puppet body, attempted a sneak attack on Chiyo. However, Sakura took the sword's attack from Sasori for Chiyo, giving the latter the chance to use Sasori's parents' puppets to stab him through the heart in the form of a hug, a position that he always wanted to be in ever since his childhood. Before dying, as a reward to Sakura for defeating him, Sasori informed her of a spy that he had within his former Akatsuki partner, Orochimaru's, ranks, and told her of when and where she could meet that spy. When Sasori died, Chiyo implied that Sasori could have avoided her last attack, but he deliberately allowed himself to be killed. Thus, it appeared as if Sasori chose to die in the loving embrace of his parents.[13]

[edit] Confining the Jinchūriki Arc

Sasori is later resurrected along with Itachi Uchiha, Kakuzu, Deidara, and Nagato when Kabuto confronts Madara Uchiha about joining forces.[14]

edit Legacy

At the time of his death, Sasori had not yet captured his assigned tailed beast. A short dialogue between himself and Deidara suggested that Sasori did not even know what beast he had been assigned to target.[15] However, after his death, Tobi (Madara Uchiha) took his place as Deidara's new partner and his ring in Akatsuki, and, later, he captured the Three-Tailed Giant Turtle, thereby suggesting that that beast was Sasori's target.

However, due to the preservation of his body, Sasori's influence on future events was not over with his death. Sometime after the puppet master's death and prior to the Five Kage Summit, Kankurō recovered his puppet body to replace the three puppets that Sasori destroyed. It seems that some modifications have been made to his body since Sasori's death, although it's unknown if certain mechanisms were previously installed, but were not shown prior to Sasori's death.

edit Trivia

  • Sasori (蠍) means "scorpion".
  • Sasori had the same birth date as Masashi Kishimoto.
  • Additionally, his birth date (November 8th) makes Sasori's Western astrological sign Scorpio, the scorpion.
  • Sasori had one of the longest battle times in the anime (8 full episodes), giving him roughly about 4 hours of battle screentime.
  • Sasori and Orochimaru had many things in common:
    • Both grew cold after their parents' deaths
    • Both experimented on the villagers of their hometown
    • Both modified their bodies in order to attain immortality
    • Both defected from their village, joined Akatsuki (and were placed into same teams)
    • Both killed a Kazekage and were responsible for the deaths of the Third Kage of their respective villages
    • Both of their names are associated with commonly venomous animals and both of their western astrological signs are Scorpio
    • Both had Kabuto serving as a spy under them
  • In the first poll he was in (the 6th overall poll), he placed 6th on the list.[16]
  • He was the first Akatsuki member to die (at least on-screen) in the series.
  • Sasori made a brief appearance in the 129th Naruto Shippūden episode omake, walking past Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki in a festival, glancing at the former.
  • According to the databook:
    • His hobby was remodeling his puppet collection.
    • Sasori wished to fight Monzaemon Chikamatsu.
    • Sasori didn't need food.
    • Sasori had completed 72 official missions in total: 5 D-rank, 12 C-rank, 16 B-rank, 29 A-rank, 10 S-rank.
    • Sasori's favorite word was "Eternal beauty".
  • All of Sasori's puppets wore the same clothing: black cloak with a ruffled neck area. The exception goes to his Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets, of which the cloaks they wore are red. Also, Sasori and Hiruko themselves wore the Akatsuki robes instead.
  • Somewhat ironically, the first thing Sasori said to Kisame and Itachi about Deidara was that he would die on them, when, in fact, it was Sasori himself that would "die on them".


The Sharingan (写輪眼; Literally meaning "Copy Wheel Eye", Meaning (Viz) "Mirror Wheel Eye") is a Dōjutsu Kekkei Genkai, which appears in the members of the Uchiha clan. It is one of the three great dōjutsu, along with the Byakugan and the Rinnegan.
A fully matured, three tomoe Sharingan
The Sharingan (写輪眼; Literally meaning "Copy Wheel Eye", Meaning (Viz) "Mirror Wheel

The Sharingan is not automatically activated in the user by birth. It is only first unlocked under some stressful or emotional condition after which the Sharingan may be used freely. When the Sharingan is first activated by a user, it has a different number of tomoe (巴) around the central pupil, varying between users.[1][2] The wielder of the Sharingan, through continued use and training, evolves it further which involves gaining more tomoe, up to a maximum of three per eye. As the Sharingan evolves, the user gains heightened abilities.

edit Abilities

The first of the Sharingan's powers is being able to see the flow of chakra. The Sharingan can tell if a person is under a genjutsu because the person's chakra flow would be irregular.

The Sharingan's second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognize genjutsu and different forms of chakra, though not to the same extent as the Byakugan. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements[3] or mimic something like pencil movements.[4] As the Sharingan evolves, gaining more tomoe seals, this ability extends to being able to track fast-moving objects before finally giving some amount of predictive capabilities to the user. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not have time to react.

The Sharingan's third and most well-known ability is that it grants the user the ability to memorize any technique that he or she witnesses, apart from other Kekkei Genkai techniques. The user can memorize ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with near perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as his own, or even modify them to create his own new techniques, much like Sasuke Uchiha's Lion Combo. In order to reproduce a copied jutsu, however, one must have the necessary skill or ability to perform them. A prime example is Rock Lee's brand of taijutsu. While Sasuke was able to copy some of Lee's moves, they put a much more significant strain on him since he hasn't trained nearly as much as Lee has. In addition to physical skill and kekkei genkai techniques, the Sharingan cannot reproduce jutsu dependent on other factors, such as summons that the user has not signed a contract with.

The Sharingan's final commonly-used ability is capable of inducing a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent through simple eye contact. When used against animals, the eyes of the target take on the pattern of the users Sharingan while under its influence. When used in conjunction with the other aspects of the Sharingan, this allows the user to perfectly mimic every move their opponents make even before they do, making it appear as if the user can "see the future". More advanced Sharingan users can take the hypnosis ability even further by tricking or even trapping their opponent within an illusion. It also allows for other forms of hypnotism, such as putting an opponent to sleep, replaying memories to someone else, or creating various illusions to fool an opponent. The potency of the Sharingan's illusion is dependent on the user's knowledge and skill with implementing genjutsu.

In addition to these commonly used techniques, the Sharingan allows the user to perform the genjutsu Izanagi. Using Izanagi, the user can warp reality for a short amount of time, changing reality into illusion and illusion into reality. However, this technique has been dubbed kinjutsu, because use of it causes the user to go blind.

Although the Sharingan consumes the user's chakra while active, the chakra levels that the user must exert is so insignificant that they can keep it active constantly. In fact, Itachi Uchiha was so masterful of it, he was able to keep it active for most of the time, only once deactivating it after using Tsukuyomi on Sasuke and Amaterasu to escape Jiraiya. However, when a Sharingan is transplanted to a non-Uchiha, the chakra drain is significant, leading them to cover it up when not in use, to stop the drain.

edit Receiving the Sharingan

As already mentioned, the Sharingan needs to be activated by the user himself or herself under a difficult, emotional stress. After its first appearance, the user can use the Sharingan any time he or she pleases. It is also possible to transplant Sharingan from one person to another, as occurred with Kakashi Hatake, who received his left eye's Sharingan from his dying comrade, Obito Uchiha. Because of this, Kakashi's Sharingan cannot be deactivated, and as using the Sharingan requires much more chakra from him than it does from an Uchiha clan member, he usually covers it with his headband to conserve chakra. Also, Kakashi needs to rest for a longer period of time after using his Sharingan extensively in battle. In a similar way, Danzō Shimura had a Sharingan instead of his normal right eye, that he gained from Shisui Uchiha, which he kept hidden under his bandages. Danzō also possessed ten Sharingan in his right arm.

edit Mangekyō Sharingan

Itachi Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Main article: Mangekyō Sharingan The Mangekyō Sharingan (万華鏡写輪眼, Mangekyō Sharingan; Literally meaning "Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye") is a heightened form of Sharingan. The Mangekyō Sharingan gives the user access to powerful and forbidden techniques. The Mangekyō Sharingan is distinguished from a normal Sharingan through its appearance, which changes the form of the tomoe seal. Unlike in the case of the Sharingan, the appearance of the Mangekyō Sharingan differs from user to user; Kakashi Hatake's and Itachi Uchiha's both resemble pinwheels, Madara Uchiha's and his brother, Izuna's look more like a detailed form of the basic three-tomoe Sharingan, and Sasuke Uchiha's looks like three intersecting ellipses.

The Mangekyō Sharingan gives the user access to several powerful techniques, including the powerful fire jutsu Amaterasu and the almost unbreakable genjutsu Tsukuyomi. The Mangekyō Sharingan erodes the eyesight of its users, eventually causing blindness, which can be prevented by obtaining another pair of Mangekyō Sharingan from a sibling. The new Sharingan is dubbed the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (永遠の万華鏡写輪眼, Eieen no Mangekyō Sharingan).

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(飛段, Hidan)

Debut (Manga)
Debut (Anime)
Debut (video game) Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! EX 3
Appears in Anime, Manga and Game
Voice actor(s) (English)
Seiyū (Japanese)


Birthdate April 2
Gender Male
Age 22 (Incapacitated)
Height 177.1 cm
Weight 56.8 kg
Blood type B
Classification S-Class, Missing-nin
Ring 三 (Three)
Ring Position Left index finger
[hide] Jutsu

[hide] Weapons

Hidan (飛段) was the partner of Kakuzu, despite having mutual dislike for each other, and was the second newest member of Akatsuki, at the time of his introduction.[2] Kisame laughingly referred to Hidan and Kakuzu as the "Zombie Brothers."

Hidan hailed from Yugakure. After it deteriorated from a shinobi village to a tourist site, Hidan became infuriated with how things were turning out. He believed that the shinobi that resided there were meant to kill, and thus slaughtered his neighbors before leaving Yugakure, and joining the cult-like faith known as Jashin, a religion that worshipped a deity of the same name. The primary teaching of this faith appears to be outright slaughter, where anything less than utter destruction is considered a sin.[3] The amulet around his neck was a symbol of Jashin, and he used it to pray to his god before battling, requesting a good kill, or (when he was not allowed to) for forgiveness.[4] Eventually, he joined Akatsuki after seeing Kakuzu, a man who he saw as a pioneer in immortality[5], and he was later partnered with him. Pain stated that his reason for joining Akatsuki was "religion".


Hidan has medium length silver hair slicked back with distinctive pinkish-purple eyes. He wears his Akatsuki cloak open with no shirt, only pants under it revealing his Yugakure forehead protector around his neck and Jashin amulet. He wears dark green nail polish and his Akatsuki ring on his left index finger, which bears the kanji for Three (三, san). He is always seen with his Triple-Bladed Scythe on his back. His left ear also appears to be torn or cut after his fight with Asuma. Also, after his battle against Asuma's unit, he did not replace his torn Akatsuki robes.


Hidan was one of the most foul-mouthed, disrespectful characters in the series; he frequently swore and complained at allies and opponents alike, contrary to being a "religious" person. He rarely used honorifics when speaking, and, even then, usually as a form of sarcasm, for example when he called Deidara "Deidara-chan". He was the only member of Akatsuki who did not respect their leader, Pain, and openly declared his willingness to kill him around others. The only respect he ever seemed to give was to his god, and, even then, he was quite willing to use his name as an insult. He openly held his partner, Kakuzu, in contempt for his habit of blasphemy, love of money, and Kakuzu's frequent ridicule of Hidan's religion and battle style. Despite this, whenever Hidan was in the mood to kill, the two worked together flawlessly in battle, and one can infer that he did care somewhat for his partner, from his panicked reaction when he almost killed Kakuzu while being possessed by Shikamaru's technique.

Hidan had absolutely no moral restraints regarding the people he killed; he considered slaughter a religious calling, and often took considerable pleasure in making his opponents' deaths as painful as possible. Given the requirements of his voodoo-like curse ritual, he was quite willing to inflict pain and injuries on himself, and openly relished the shared pain between him and the cursed victim. Despite this, he reacted "normally" (that is, he didn't enjoy the pain) to being injured by someone else, or when the opponent didn't share the pain.

Hidan's behavior in the anime bordered on insanity; he was frequently heard shrieking loudly while attacking, and laughed maniacally when he was about to kill Asuma Sarutobi. Hidan also appeared to be quite spiteful towards his enemies (and nearly everyone else), even commenting to Shikamaru Nara that "I've been waiting for this" ("this" referring to using his ceremony to kill Shikamaru).

However, his immortality had made him arrogant, and he frequently engaged opponents with no regard for strategy, save to acquire some of their blood. Although ridiculed for his foolishness by Kakuzu and Shikamaru alike, and being obviously inferior in tactical genius to either of them, he was able to analyze the nature and limits of Shikamaru's Shadow Imitation Technique, and conducted battle accordingly (though he retained his arrogant attitude even under these circumstances). Interestingly, he seemed to panic when Shikamaru took control of his body, shouting at Kakuzu to do something in a rather frantic voice. He didn't particularly like it when Kakuzu assisted in his battles, and only called for his help when he decided he needed it. Kakuzu tended to return the favor by coming in "late" and letting Hidan be beheaded (though still alive) as punishment for underestimating his opponents. After his head was reattached he showed a great hatred towards Asuma.


Hidan standing within the Jashin symbol preparing for his ritual.


Hidan's primary ability was his inability to die, a result of extensive experimenting with the Jashin religion's various jutsu. His immortality allowed him to survive numerous fatal injuries,[6] and almost any form of dismemberment; he even retained his ability to speak after having his head cut off.[7] However, his head still needed to be connected to his body in order to control it,[8] so Kakuzu reattached it, and other body parts, when needed.[9] Despite Shikamaru's attempt to blow him into smithereens using hundreds of paper bombs adhered to his entire body, the former only succeeded in decapitating him (after weakening the tendons that Kakuzu used to re-attach his head) with the full impact of the explosion. Even though he was impervious to most physical attacks, as well as survive the injuries that actually got through to him, he was still susceptible to pain, which he came to find pleasure in at the expense of his opponents. This inability to die was the primary reason for his partnership with Kakuzu. Since Kakuzu couldn't kill him, Kakuzu didn't need to find new partners after his fits of rage.[10] Although the two disliked working together, this advantage made them the ideal team. His immortality was exploited in mutual advantage by Kakuzu, where the pair would perform a combo involving one of Kakuzu's hearts using a wind release jutsu in unison with Hidan striking at an opponent. Such an attack would maim the victim but leave Hidan unimpaired. Despite being "immortal", he is still capable of dying from a lack of nutrients.[11]

Triple-Bladed Scythe and Fighting Prowess

In battle, Hidan wielded a large crimson triple-bladed scythe, that he used as a multi-purpose attack. He wielded it as a short and long-range weapon. Despite its large and dangerous shape, Shikamaru speculated it was intended to draw blood, instead of doing damage. He controlled it with a long cable, that was connected to a coil hidden under his robe. He was exceptionally skilled at wielding it, capable of deflecting a swarm of shuriken thrown at close range. He has also demonstrated tremendous aim and control of where and how it will strike, making it highly difficult for his opponents to predict the weapon’s path. The unusual curvilinear trajectory that it took made it even more unpredictable, and Hidan was shown to be capable of causing the scythe to swerve perpendicularly and unexpectedly at a target even though the scythe was quite far from him. However, during his final battle against Kakashi and Team Asuma, the cable was destroyed by a paperbomb attached to a kunai thrown by Shikamaru. Hidan stated that the large size inhibited his attack speed, claiming he was the slowest attacker in Akatsuki.[12] Nevertheless, Hidan was extremely agile, having tremendous acrobatic prowess and dexterity in avoiding attacks. He was shown to be capable of dodging a chakra blade aimed at him in mid-air, by thrusting his scythe into the trunk of a tree and using it as a stand, halting his fall and making the blade miss by a margin.

Jashin Ritual and Curse

Using a weapon, Hidan made every attempt to acquire an opponent's blood, where upon consuming it he drew the Jashin symbol on the ground. This process somehow "linked" his body with his opponent's.[13] Once this link was established, Hidan took on a Grim Reaper-like appearance, with black skin and white bone-like markings.[14] In this state, he was essentially a living voodoo doll for his opponent; any damage that was done to him was also inflicted on the opponent.[15] Hidan referred to this as his "curse", and he was fond of toying with his victims by inflicting non-fatal injuries with his retractable spike, while taking obvious pleasure in their shared pain.[16] Once he was done toying with the opponent, or if he wanted to kill them quickly, he impaled himself through the heart, killing them[17] and relishing in intense satisfaction.

Despite its effectiveness, the curse had many requirements, and could be a slow technique to employ. The curse could be avoided if the opponent happened to know what to look out for, and knew of Hidan's inability to die. The link between Hidan's curse and his opponent could be broken prematurely if Hidan was removed from the symbol;[18] however, Hidan would remain in his transformed state, allowing the curse to be easily re-established by him simply entering the symbol's borders once more.[19]


Databook Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Intelligence Strength Speed Stamina Hand seals Total
Third 5 4.5 3 3 4 3.5 5 3.5 31.5

Part II

Hidan and Kakuzu Arc

Hidan and Kakuzu made their first actual appearance after cornering Yugito Nii, the jinchūriki of the Two-Tailed Monster Cat, in the sewers of Kumogakure. Initially, Hidan offered Yugito the option of surrender, claiming his faith did not allow him to fight an opponent only to leave them half-dead (for the capture of her Tailed Beast).[20] Yugito refused his offer, and transformed herself into the Two-Tails, but the Akatsuki duo still managed to defeat her, and gave her body to Zetsu, before they continued to the Land of Fire.

Upon arrival in the Land of Fire, Hidan begrudgingly joined Kakuzu in attacking a temple, so that they could collect the bounty on the head monk, Chiriku.[21] The monk and his numerous subordinates were defeated and slaughtered, and Hidan repeated his lengthy ritual. Afterward, Hidan reluctantly travelled with Kakuzu to take the monk's body to the nearest bounty station.

Hidan being attacked by Kotetsu and Izumo.

Reaching the bounty station, Hidan opted to stay outside, not liking the fact that the station was hidden inside a lavatory that smelled particularly foul. While he waited for Kakuzu to collect the money, Hidan was ambushed by Asuma Sarutobi, Shikamaru Nara, Kotetsu Hagane, and Izumo Kamizuki. Despite being immobilized, and stabbed in the chest by two large kunai,[22] Hidan asked who the shinobi were, much to the Konoha group's surprise.

Kakuzu soon arrived, forcing Hidan's assailants to fall back. Instructing Kakuzu to leave the battle to him, Hidan exchanged blows with Asuma, eventually succeeding in obtaining some blood and initiating his curse, right before Asuma used Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning on him, causing Asuma to suffer from third degree burns. Not realizing what Hidan had done, Asuma charged, and fell over in pain when Hidan stabbed himself in the leg. As Hidan prepared to kill Asuma, Shikamaru, realizing what was going on, again immobilized Hidan, but had difficulty maintaining his hold. While Hidan was momentarily restrained, Shikamaru analyzed everything Hidan had said and done up to that point, eventually figuring out the weakness of Hidan's technique.[23] With that epiphany, Shikamaru managed to force Hidan from the safety of his symbol, temporarily releasing Asuma from Hidan's curse.

Now freed from Hidan's curse, Asuma decapitated Hidan. To the Leaf ninjas' horror, Hidan's severed head loudly cursed and swore at Asuma for doing so, and then at Kakuzu for not stopping them. Kakuzu casually shrugged this off, as he felt it was Hidan's fault for telling him to not interfere.[24][25] While Asuma and the others stood shocked by Hidan's survival, Kakuzu reattached Hidan's head to his body, again surprising the Konoha ninja. As Kakuzu dealt with Kotetsu and Izumo, Hidan re-entered his symbol, and linked himself once more to Asuma. Hidan swung his scythe at Asuma, only for Asuma to duck and the scythe to bury itself into Hidan's own vital organs. Asuma doubled over with pain, and as Shikamaru rushed to Asuma's aid, Hidan used the opportunity to stab himself through the heart with his pike, which fatally injured Asuma. Asuma coughed up blood, and collapsed, as Hidan smiled enjoyably, with Izumo, Kotetsu and Shikamaru watching in sorrow and horror. Shikamaru loudly swore at Hidan, and charged at him, but collapsed from exhaustion.

Reinforcements from Konoha arrived as Shikamaru collapsed. Although Hidan expressed interest in getting to kill them as well, the Akatsuki leader called him and Kakuzu away. Angry, and promising to kill the Konoha ninja later, Hidan left with Kakuzu to a secluded area, where they spent three days sealing the Two-Tails (and, in the manga, another three days sealing the Three-Tailed Giant Turtle).

Hidan and Kakuzu with all his hearts

Once the sealing was over, Hidan and Kakuzu headed for Konoha, eager to continue their battle. Along the way, the two were once again ambushed by Shikamaru, the latter having waited for them, this time accompanied by the other remaining members of Team 10. Although Kakuzu managed to escape from Shikamaru's shadow, Hidan was left under Shikamaru's control, and was forced to fight his partner.

When Kakuzu was apparently killed by Kakashi Hatake, Kakashi prepared to finish Hidan as well, but was quickly repelled by a surprisingly alive Kakuzu. Freed from Shikamaru's shadow, due to its inherent time limit, Hidan charged at Kakashi, while Kakuzu fired blasts of elemental attacks at the duo's opponents. Recognizing that the two-man Akatsuki team was too powerful as a pair, and needed to be separated, Shikamaru volunteered to draw the immortal away.[26] Hidan, having been trapped by Shikamaru's technique so many times, was determined not to fall prey to it again, and made sure to avoid the shadows. In doing so, Hidan mocked Shikamaru for fighting in a sneaky and distant manner. While focusing on the shadow attacks, Hidan didn't notice Shikamaru suddenly appearing close enough to stun him with a punch to the face. Hidan blocked this with his hand, connecting their shadows and as a result, he was trapped by Shikamaru's shadow, and was led away by him.[27]

Hidan was led towards an area that was surrounded with wire and exploding tags, which Shikamaru had prepared in advance. However, Hidan had no desire to escape, and he attacked Shikamaru when the shadow jutsu wore off. It appeared as though he had acquired some of Shikamaru's blood. Quickly drawing his symbol and transforming, Hidan seemingly killed Shikamaru. Once Hidan departed, the "fallen" Shikamaru jumped up, still alive, and tried to decapitate Hidan from behind, although failing to make a cut deep enough. Surprised that Shikamaru was alive, Hidan learned he had been tricked into consuming Kakuzu's blood, so he, in effect, destroyed one of Kakuzu's hearts.[28]

As Hidan attempted to kill Shikamaru in retaliation, Hidan was again stopped by Shikamaru's shadow. With Hidan restrained, Shikamaru covered Hidan with the surrounding exploding tags, tying Hidan to the spot. With Hidan unable to move, Shikamaru activated a prepared mark to cause the ground beneath Hidan to break away. He then informed Hidan that the land that they were on belonged to his clan, and that they would ensure that Hidan remained bound to it for eternity. Finally, having a chance to avenge Asuma's death, Shikamaru lit a cigarette (in the anime, it was changed to Asuma's lighter) and tossed it at Hidan, causing the exploding tags to detonate.[29] Hidan was literally blown to bits. As Hidan's remains fell into the pit below, his detached head promised to kill Shikamaru in any way possible. Shikamaru caused the pit to collapse, trapping the screaming Hidan beneath the rubble.[30] He was buried in a place Akatsuki can never reach and thus he is no longer considered a member. He is currently dying slowly from a lack of nutrition.[11]


Concept designs for Hidan, by Masashi Kishimoto.

In Naruto Hiden: Sha no Sho Character Official Data Book, Kishimoto revealed that Hidan's design, with the skeletal patterns and scythe, were meant to resemble a shinigami (死神, "death god," "grim reaper"), because "Hidan uses curses and things." He also noted that he originally planned for the scythe to have a number of special tricks, but "didn't have time to show them all."


  • The first kanji in Hidan's name (飛) stands for hisha, the rook in Shogi.
  • Both Hidan and Kakuzu made their first video game debuts in Naruto Shippūden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX 3. They are also playable in Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 and Naruto Shippūden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3.
  • Hidan's favorite food is spare ribs, and his least favorite are vegetables, or any kind of vegetarian cooking.[1]
  • Hidan is the only known character in the series to hail from Yugakure.
  • It should be noted that when traveling, in the manga and the anime, that neither Hidan nor Kakuzu wore the traditional Akatsuki Kasa (hat). They share this trait with Pain, Konan, and Zetsu.
  • Hidan's Jashin amulet appears with the point of the triangle pointing upwards in the manga, and pointing down in the anime, but on episode 75, minute 19:05, it appears pointing upwards.
  • Before his debut in the manga, a character with no clear similarities to Hidan appears during Akatsuki meetings. It is unknown if this is one of Kakuzu's previous partners or simply an early design for Hidan.
  • Both Hidan's and Kakuzu's faces were on a pair of lanterns in Shippuden episode 129, Hidan being to the left and Kakuzu being to the right.
  • In the second Naruto fanbook, Masashi Kishimoto confirms that Hidan is still alive. However, he is dying a slow death due to lack of nutrition.
  • Acording to the databook:
    • Hidan's hobby is being an active Jashinist.
    • Hidan's favorite food is spare ribs. His least favorite are any kind of vegetable.
    • Hidan's favorite word is "Jashinist".
  • Hidan is the only Akatsuki member that has not had any interaction with Naruto.


  • "Now! Let's savor the utmost of suffering together!"
  • "Tsk! Right after the verbal abuse. Man, Kakuzu, you really stink!"
  • (After using his curse to fatally wound Asuma) "Oh yeah, that hit the spot."
  • "As the other dies, their agony radiates through my body, and living through it is pure ecstasy!"
  • "Does your village bury their dead? Cause it's gonna be a pain digging him up."
  • (To Shikamaru before being buried) "Don't forget what I said! My teeth are enough to take you on! Someday, I will find you and bite your throat out!